Case Studies

How We Generated 2,445% ROI and $1.4 Million in Revenue Per Month for a Multi-Location Lasik Provider

Chad DeBolt

Chad DeBolt

Chad DeBolt is the personality behind and founder of Surchability. He’s been heavily involved with online marketing, specifically SEO, for 16 years.


Our client, a private equity group, had just expanded its portfolio by acquiring several surgical ophthalmology offices, with plans to continue this expansion throughout the Northeast.

Their goal was to become the foremost provider of Lasik and refractive surgery in the region.

Our role in this story was to design an online marketing strategy tailored to boost each office’s web presence and lead generation.

But, as we delved into a detailed marketing and competitive analysis for each office, we discovered a challenge: every practice operated in its own unique way and achieved varying levels of success.

To overcome this fragmentation and inefficiency, we converged all practices into one seamlessly optimized website.

Let’s explore the steps we took to strategically build a strong, cohesive online presence for our client.

The Join or Die Method:

Stronger Together Than on Your Own

Before we dive into this strategy, let’s unpack the historical significance behind the phrase “Join or Die.”

Coined by Benjamin Franklin, this famous political cartoon was initially a rallying cry during the French and Indian War, encouraging unity among colonists.

Its fame grew as it became synonymous with the push for collective action against British rule during the Revolutionary War.

The core message here is clear and timeless: there’s undeniable strength in unity.

As such, our”Join or Die” method focuses on merging multiple locations or brands under one highly optimized website to dominate Google rankings.

We specifically designed this strategy for businesses with multiple locations or those owned by venture capital or private equity firms in similar niches.

By uniting under one digital roof, businesses can significantly enhance their market position, attract more customers, and increase profitability.

This strategy helped our client generate a 2,445% ROI and $1.4 million in monthly revenue.

There were three main triggers we tapped into to produce these results:

Domain/Topical Authority

Improving your Google ranking is like navigating the social ladder in high school; being linked to by the “cool kids” of the web—authoritative, relevant sites—boosts your site’s credibility.

Our client’s multiple sites lacked this crucial element.

By consolidating their brands under one umbrella site, we maximized our efforts to produce top-notch, link-worthy content.

This strategy allowed us to focus on crafting exceptional content for one site instead of diluting our efforts across several.

Strategic internal linking ensured that every piece of standout content amplified the reach and reputation of all the brands collectively, proving that a unified approach could significantly enhance their overall digital presence.


Google My Business Entity/Trust Factor

This strategy comes from Google itself.

If you are a local business with a physical location, then your Google My Business (GMB) listing is your single most important asset (in some regards, even more important than your website).

This is because GMB is what we call an Entity Hub.

An Entity Hub is a place where more than one Entity comes together.

The three Entities that come together in a Google My Business listing are:

  1. Brand (name of company)
  2. Geography (like Philadelphia)
  3. Niche (such as Lasik or Lasik surgery)


If done correctly, you are essentially forcing Google to think of your brand, your service, and your location as a single Entity.

The result is that you rank for any keyword related to your niche within a hundred-square-mile radius of your physical location.


The second element of leveraging Google My Business properly is establishing trust.

In order for a business to claim a GMB listing, you must first prove to Google that you are real.

The most common way Google proves that you are who you say you are is by verifying the business’ address via postcard.

This eliminates a large majority of potential scam websites that Google would need to worry about.

So, if you can go through the necessary steps to establish your credibility with Google, your brand (and thus your website) will be trusted by Google.

Increased Traffic and Engagement

Traffic and engagement are two key factors that Google looks at when they are deciding on if a website is “worthy” to rank for a certain term or niche.

Prior to this strategy, each brand’s website wasn’t receiving a lot of traffic and engagement.

This was primarily due to a lack of engaging content (or any content at all) and a lack of Google authority (which meant they were not ranking for anything).

With the “Join-or-Die” method – every brand’s traffic and engagement went up drastically because they were all working together as a team.

  • When someone visited a blog post and interacted with it (by watching an embedded video, clicking around, etc.), ALL of the brands benefited.
  • When someone visited one of the brand’s location pages after being referred by their doctor, ALL of the brands benefited.
  • If someone interacted with one of the brand’s GMB listings – ALL of the brands benefited.

All offices benefited from actions that may or may not be directly related to them.

Once we established a mega-website for our client, we worked on creating engaging content using our Google Concierge strategy.

This strategy ensures high search rankings by delivering exactly what Google looks for in quality content.

It’s important to note that this strategy isn’t for everyone.

It was developed to address a very unique situation.

But the elements of this strategy are universal – every website needs authoritative backlinks, Entity optimization, and traffic and engagement.
If you don’t have the time, expertise, or desire to do all of the above by yourself, we would love to become your SEO partner.